Over the past few years, I’ve been porting the algorithms from “Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet” to various languages.
With the lunar eclipse coming up this week (November 19th), I thought it would be fun to put this to the test, and see how accurately it can provide information about the eclipse. I’ll be using the .NET version.
Time, Time, Time (See What’s Become of Me)
Before we dive into the technical stuff, there’s some information we need to collect about time, as it relates to our location. We need know the following:
- Our time zone, and how it relates to universal time, and
- Whether or not we’re currently observing daylight savings time.
Your time zone is related to the longitude of your location. If you live in the continental United States, it will be either Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific.
You’ll also need to know how your time zone is related to universal time. In other words, what do you subtract from universal time to get your local time? This is called your “UT offset”.
You’ll also need to know whether you’re currently observing standard time, or daylight savings time.
The good news is, the answers to all of these questions can be quickly answered by visiting the World Clock Time Search. When you go to the site:
- Enter the name of your city (or a city close to you) in the search box, and select the match.
- On the results page, you’ll see a tab for “Time Zone”. Click that.
My results look like this:
Yours will be similar. Here’s the information you’ll need to remember:
- The offset value for your standard time (not daylight savings). For me, that’s EST, and the offset value is 5.
- Am I currently observing daylight savings? On the results line labeled “Current”, I see EST, so the answer is no.
So for me, the two values I need to remember for later are:
- UTC offset: 5
- Daylight savings? false
- You’ll need git, in order to clone the source repository.
- I’ve recently ported the project to .NET 6, so make sure you have the .NET 6 SDK installed.
- I’ll also be using Visual Studio Code, with the C# extension.
Project Setup
Clone the repository to your machine:
git clone https://github.com/jfcarr-practical-astronomy/practical-astronomy-dotnet.git
The repository contains two projects: a class library containing all of the algorithms, and a unit test project. To verify that everything’s working properly, open a terminal in the newly-cloned project directory and issue the test command:
dotnet test
You should see output similar to this:
Passed! - Failed: 0, Passed: 55, Skipped: 0, Total: 55, Duration: 81 ms - practical-astronomy-dotnet/PALib.Tests/bin/Debug/net6.0/PALib.Tests.dll (net6.0)
Now we’re ready to create a client to call the class library. We’ll keep it simple, and create a console application. Create a directory called PAClient, and cd into it:
mkdir PAClient
cd PAClient
We want to make sure that the console application we create uses .NET 6. We’ll use a global.json file to control that. First, create one:
dotnet new globaljson
Next, we need to know which .NET SDKs are installed:
dotnet --list-sdks
My results look like this:
3.1.415 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]
5.0.403 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]
6.0.100 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]
Yours may be different. What’s important is that you note the latest version of the .NET 6 SDK. (For me, that’s 6.0.100.)
Edit the global.json file, and update it to reflect that value. When you’re done, it will look something like this:
"sdk": {
"version": "6.0.100"
Now you’re ready to create the console application:
dotnet new console
Add a reference to the Practical Astronomy class library:
dotnet add reference ../PALib
Build it, to make sure your reference is good. You should see something like this:
Determining projects to restore...
Restored practical-astronomy-dotnet/PAClient/PAClient.csproj (in 174 ms).
1 of 2 projects are up-to-date for restore.
PALib -> practical-astronomy-dotnet/PALib/bin/Debug/net6.0/PALib.dll
PAClient -> practical-astronomy-dotnet/PAClient/bin/Debug/net6.0/PAClient.dll
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s)
Construct the Client
From the PAClient directory, open Visual Studio Code:
code .
After the project finishes opening, click on Program.cs in the explorer tab to open it. The boilerplate code for .NET 6 looks like this:
// See https://aka.ms/new-console-template for more information
.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); Console
Change the code to this:
using PALib;
var eclipseInfo = new PAEclipses();
var occurrence = eclipseInfo.LunarEclipseOccurrence(15, 11, 2021, false, 5);
Console.WriteLine($"Next eclipse is on {occurrence.eventDateMonth}/{occurrence.eventDateDay}/{occurrence.eventDateYear}."); Console
The LunarEclipseOccurrence
method takes the following arguments: double localDateDay, int localDateMonth, int localDateYear, bool isDaylightSaving, int zoneCorrectionHours
. Update localDateDay, localDateMonth, and localDateYear to match the current date, and use the time zone information we collected earlier for isDaylightSaving and zoneCorrectionHours.
Go ahead and run. You should see something like this:
Lunar eclipse certain. Next eclipse is on 11/19/2021.
We’re getting a date of November 19th. So far so good! It would be nice, though, to get more detailed information, and we can do that. Change your code to this:
using PALib;
var eclipseInfo = new PAEclipses();
var result = eclipseInfo.LunarEclipseCircumstances(15, 11, 2021, false, 5);
Console"Occurs on: {result.lunarEclipseCertainDateMonth}/{result.lunarEclipseCertainDateDay}/{result.lunarEclipseCertainDateYear}\n" +
$"Penumbral phase begins: {result.utStartPenPhaseHour}:{result.utStartPenPhaseMinutes:00}\n" +
$"Umbral phase begins: {result.utStartUmbralPhaseHour}:{result.utStartUmbralPhaseMinutes:00}\n" +
$"Total phase begins: {result.utStartTotalPhaseHour}:{result.utStartTotalPhaseMinutes:00}\n" +
$"Total phase ends: {result.utEndTotalPhaseHour}:{result.utEndTotalPhaseMinutes:00}\n" +
$"Umbral phase ends: {result.utEndUmbralPhaseHour}:{result.utEndUmbralPhaseMinutes:00}\n" +
$"Penumbral phase ends: {result.utEndPenPhaseHour}:{result.utEndPenPhaseMinutes:00}"); $
Now when you run, you should see something like this:
Occurs on: 11/19/2021
Penumbral phase begins: 6:00
Umbral phase begins: 7:18
Total phase begins: -99:-99
Mid-point of eclipse: 9:03
Total phase ends: -99:-99
Umbral phase ends: 10:47 Penumbral phase ends: 12:05
The library methods return values in universal time. It’s much more useful to see our results in local time, and we have date/time functions in the Practical Astronomy library to handle that as well. Change your code to this:
using PALib;
var eclipseInfo = new PAEclipses();
var result = eclipseInfo.LunarEclipseCircumstances(15, 11, 2021, false, 5);
var timeConversion = new TimeConversion(
false, -5);
Console"Occurs on: {result.lunarEclipseCertainDateMonth}/{result.lunarEclipseCertainDateDay}/{result.lunarEclipseCertainDateYear}\n" +
$"Penumbral phase begins: {timeConversion.ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(result.utStartPenPhaseHour, result.utStartPenPhaseMinutes)}\n" +
$"Umbral phase begins: {timeConversion.ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(result.utStartUmbralPhaseHour, result.utStartUmbralPhaseMinutes)}\n" +
$"Total phase begins: {timeConversion.ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(result.utStartTotalPhaseHour, result.utStartTotalPhaseMinutes)}\n" +
$"Mid-point of eclipse: {timeConversion.ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(result.utMidEclipseHour, result.utMidEclipseMinutes)}\n" +
$"Total phase ends: {timeConversion.ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(result.utEndTotalPhaseHour, result.utEndTotalPhaseMinutes)}\n" +
$"Umbral phase ends: {timeConversion.ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(result.utEndUmbralPhaseHour, result.utEndUmbralPhaseMinutes)}\n" +
$"Penumbral phase ends: {timeConversion.ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(result.utEndPenPhaseHour, result.utEndPenPhaseMinutes)}");
class TimeConversion
private int _gwDay;
private int _gwMonth;
private int _gwYear;
private bool _isDaylightSavings;
private int _zoneCorrection;
PADateTime dateTimeUtil
public TimeConversion(int gwDay, int gwMonth, int gwYear, bool isDaylightSavings, int zoneCorrection)
this._gwDay = gwDay;
this._gwMonth = gwMonth;
this._gwYear = gwYear;
this._isDaylightSavings = isDaylightSavings;
this._zoneCorrection = zoneCorrection;
= new PADateTime();
dateTimeUtil }
public string ConvertUniversalTimeToLocalTime(double utHours, double utMinutes)
if (utHours == -99 && utMinutes == -99)
return "N/A";
var result = dateTimeUtil.UniversalTimeToLocalCivilTime(
, utMinutes, 0, this._isDaylightSavings, this._zoneCorrection, this._gwDay, this._gwMonth, this._gwYear);
return $"{result.lctHours}:{result.lctMinutes:00}";
Then, when you run again, you’ll see results specific to your location:
Occurs on: 11/19/2021
Penumbral phase begins: 1:00
Umbral phase begins: 2:18
Total phase begins: N/A
Mid-point of eclipse: 4:03
Total phase ends: N/A
Umbral phase ends: 5:47 Penumbral phase ends: 7:05
So, what are we looking at here? The LunarEclipseCircumstances method reports the following information:
- When major phases (penumbral and umbral) of the eclipse begin, and end.
- When the totality phase begins and ends.
- When maximum coverage occurs (the mid-point)
What about those N/A values? For values without valid data, a -99 is returned. This tells us that this is not a total eclipse. (The moon is never completely obscured.)
Now, most importantly, how did we do? I used Wolfram|Alpha to get information about the eclipse. This is what it returned:
begin partial (umbral) | 2:14 am EST | Friday, November 19, 2021
maximum | 3:59 am EST | Friday, November 19, 2021 end partial (umbral) | 5:44 am EST | Friday, November 19, 2021
Looks like our results only differ by about 4 minutes. Not too shabby!
Extra Credit: Python!
If you have Python installed, we can try that too! (Instructions assume a Linux environment)
git clone https://github.com/jfcarr-practical-astronomy/practical-astronomy-python.git
cd practical-astronomy-python
Edit a new Python script:
code eclipse-check.py
Paste the following code, and save it:
import lib.pa_eclipses as PE
import lib.pa_datetime as PD
if __name__ == '__main__':
= PE.lunar_eclipse_occurrence(17, 11, 2021, False, 5)
status, day, month, year
print(f"{status}: {month}/{day}/{year}")
(day, month, year,
ut_start_pen_phase_hour, ut_start_pen_phase_minutes,
ut_start_umbral_phase_hour, ut_start_umbral_phase_minutes,
ut_start_total_phase_hour, ut_start_total_phase_minutes,
ut_mid_eclipse_hour, ut_mid_eclipse_minutes,
ut_end_total_phase_hour, ut_end_total_phase_minutes,
ut_end_umbral_phase_hour, ut_end_umbral_phase_minutes,
ut_end_pen_phase_hour, ut_end_pen_phase_minutes,
eclipse_magnitude= PE.lunar_eclipse_circumstances(17, 11, 2021, False, 5)
= PD.universal_time_to_local_civil_time(
(l_hour, l_minutes, l_seconds, l_day, l_month, l_year) 0, False, -5, day, month, year)
ut_mid_eclipse_hour, ut_mid_eclipse_minutes,
print(f"Mid-eclipse occurs at {ut_mid_eclipse_hour}:{ut_mid_eclipse_minutes:02} universal time ({l_hour}:{l_minutes:02} local time, on {l_month}/{l_day}/{l_year})")
Run it:
python3 eclipse-check.py
Lunar eclipse certain: 11/19/2021 Mid-eclipse occurs at 9:03 universal time (4:03 local time, on 11/19/2021)
I hope you enjoyed the walkthrough!
The library has lots of other astronomical functions. If you found this interesting, I encourage you to explore!