Web Frameworks, Libraries, and Plugins
Charts and Graphs
Name | Description |
Chartist.js | Simple responsive charts. |
Flot | Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery. |
jQuery Sparkline | This jQuery plugin generates sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML, or via javascript. |
Morris Charts | Morris is a pretty and powerful Charts Plugin with jQuery and Raphaël JS Library to make drawing simple charts easy. With Morris.js, you can create a wide variety of charts like line & area charts, bar charts and donut charts to fit you needs. It also works fine on mobile device such as iOS and android. |
Dates, Times, and Calendars
Name | Description |
Fullcalendar | FullCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop event calendar. It uses AJAX to fetch events on-the-fly and is easily configured to use your own feed format. It is visually customizable with a rich API. |
jQuery Timepicker | The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker and slider components (jQueryUI) are required for using any of these. In addition all datepicker options are still available through the timepicker addon. |
Moment | Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript. |
Game and 3D
Name | Description |
gameQuery | gameQuery is an easy to use jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. |
Phaser | A fast, free and fun open source framework for Canvas and WebGL powered browser games. |
three.js | Three.js is a library that makes WebGL - 3D in the browser - easy to use. While a simple cube in raw WebGL would turn out hundreds of lines of Javascript and shader code, a Three.js equivalent is only a fraction of that. |
Name | Description |
JQVMap | JQVMap is a jQuery plugin that renders Vector Maps. It uses resizable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer 9. Legacy support for older versions of Internet Explorer 6-8 is provided via VML. |
Leaflet.js | Leaflet is a modern open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. |
OpenStreetMap | A high-performance, feature-packed library for all your mapping needs. |
Name | Description |
Bootstrap | Responsive framework. |
D3 | D3 allows you to bind arbitrary data to a Document Object Model (DOM), and then apply data-driven transformations to the document. For example, you can use D3 to generate an HTML table from an array of numbers. Or, use the same data to create an interactive SVG bar chart with smooth transitions and interaction. |
Datatables | DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. |
fancyBox | fancyBox is a tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images, html content and multi-media on your webpages. |
FormValidation | Form field validation support for Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, Semantic UI, UIKit, and other frameworks. |
Handlebars | Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration. |
jQuery | jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. |
jQuery-Knob | Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial. |
jQuery UI | jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you’re building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice. |
Justified Gallery | This is a JQuery plugin that allows you to create an high quality justified gallery of images. |
Modernizr | Modernizr is a JavaScript library which is designed to detect HTML5 and CSS3 features in various browsers. Since the specifications for both HTML5 and CSS3 are only partially implemented or nonexistent in many browsers, it can be difficult to determine which techniques are available for use in rendering a page, and when it is necessary to avoid using a feature or to load a workaround such as a shim to emulate the feature. Modernizr aims to provide this feature detection in a complete and standardized manner. |
RaphaelJS | Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library. |
Select2 | Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. |
Springy | Springy is a force directed graph layout algorithm. |
TinyMCE | TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control. |
Widen FineUploader | Multiple file upload plugin with progress-bar, drag-and-drop, direct-to-S3 & Azure uploading, tons of other features. |
Name | Description |
Angular.js | Angular is an open-source web application framework maintained by Google and by a community of individual developers and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. It aims to simplify both the development and the testing of such applications by providing a framework for client-side model–view–controller (MVC) architecture, along with components commonly used in rich Internet applications.\ \ The AngularJS library works by first reading the HTML page, which has embedded into it additional custom tag attributes. Angular interprets those attributes as directives to bind input or output parts of the page to a model that is represented by standard JavaScript variables. The values of those JavaScript variables can be manually set within the code, or retrieved from static or dynamic JSON resources. |
Backbone.js | Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface. |