
A web application, for displaying the sensor data in a browser. .NET supports two Blazor project types: Blazor Server (runs on the server) and Blazor WebAssembly (runs in the browser). We'll be using the Server type.

Create the Project


  1. Create the project, using blazorserver as the project type.
  2. Add a project reference to SenseHatLib.csproj
  3. App settings:
    1. Copy the appsettings.default.json file to appsettings.json, and update the setting values.
    2. Add appsettings content entry to the .csproj file.
  4. Sensor page:
    1. Add a new Sensor.razor page.
    2. Add a code-behind file for the page: Sensor.razor.cs.
    3. Implement code details.
    4. Update NavMenu.razor to include the new Sensor page.