Calculate the angle between two celestial objects.
Convert a Greenwich Date/Civil Date (day,month,year) to Julian Date.
Return Degrees part of Decimal Degrees.
Convert Decimal Degrees to Degree-Hours.
Return Minutes part of Decimal Degrees.
Return Seconds part of Decimal Degrees.
Convert W to Degrees.
Convert Degree-Hours to Decimal Degrees.
Return the hour part of a Decimal Hours.
Return the minutes part of a Decimal Hours.
Return the seconds part of a Decimal Hours.
Convert Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees.
Status of conversion of Greenwich Sidereal Time to Universal Time.
Moonrise calculation status.
Helper function for e_moon_rise().
Helper function for e_moon_rise().
Moonset calculation status.
Helper function for e_moon_set().
Helper function for e_moon_set().
Rise/Set status.
Sunrise/Sunset calculation status.
Helper function for e_sun_rs().
Twilight calculation status.
Helper function for e_twilight().
Ecliptic - Declination (degrees).
Ecliptic - Right Ascension (degrees).
Solve Kepler’s equation, and return value of the eccentric anomaly in radians.
Convert Equatorial Coordinates to Altitude (in decimal degrees).
Convert Equatorial Coordinates to Azimuth (in decimal degrees).
Original macro name: EQElat
Original macro name: EQElong
Convert a Julian Date to Day-of-Week (e.g., Sunday).
Original macro name: Fpart
Original macro name: FRACT
Calculate Julian date of Full Moon.
Convert Greenwich Sidereal Time to Local Sidereal Time.
Convert Greenwich Sidereal Time to Universal Time.
Convert Hour Angle to Right Ascension.
Convert a Civil Time (hours,minutes,seconds) to Decimal Hours.
Convert Horizon Coordinates to Declination (in decimal degrees).
Convert Horizon Coordinates to Hour Angle (in decimal degrees).
Original macro name: IINT
Returns the day part of a Julian Date.
Returns the month part of a Julian Date.
Returns the year part of a Julian Date.
Determine Greenwich Day for Local Time.
Determine Greenwich Month for Local Time.
Determine Greenwich Year for Local Time.
Convert Local Civil Time to Universal Time.
Original macro name: LINT
Convert Local Sidereal Time to Greenwich Sidereal Time.
Determine if a lunar eclipse is likely to occur.
Helper function for lunar_eclipse_occurrence.
Calculate magnitude of lunar eclipse.
Calculate magnitude of solar eclipse.
Helper function for mag_solar_eclipse.
Calculate distance from the Earth to the Moon (km).
Calculate horizontal parallax for the Moon.
Calculate geocentric ecliptic latitude for the Moon.
Calculate geocentric ecliptic longitude for the Moon.
Calculate longitude, latitude, and horizontal parallax of the Moon.
Calculate the Moon’s mean anomaly.
Calculate current phase of Moon.
Local azimuth of moonrise.
Helper function for moon_rise_az.
Helper function for moon_rise_az.
Local date of moonrise.
Helper function for moon_rise_lc_dmy.
Helper function for moon_rise_lc_dmy.
Local time of moonrise.
Helper function for moon_rise_lct.
Helper function for moon_rise_lct.
Local azimuth of moonset.
Helper function for moon_set_az.
Helper function for moon_set_az.
Local date of moonset.
Helper function for moon_set_lc_dmy.
Helper function for moon_set_lc_dmy.
Local time of moonset.
Helper function for moon_set_lct.
Helper function for moon_set_lct.
Calculate the Moon’s angular diameter (degrees).
Calculate Julian date of New Moon.
Helper function for new_moon() and full_moon()
Nutation amount to be added in ecliptic longitude, in degrees.
Nutation of Obliquity.
Obliquity of the Ecliptic for a Greenwich Date.
Calculate longitude, latitude, and distance of parabolic-orbit comet.
Calculate corrected declination in decimal degrees.
Helper function for parallax_dec.
Calculate corrected hour angle in decimal hours.
Helper function for parallax_ha.
Calculate several planetary properties.
Helper function for planet_long_lat().
Helper function for planet_long_lat().
Helper function for planet_long_lat().
Helper function for planet_long_lat().
Convert Right Ascension to Hour Angle.
Calculate effects of refraction.
Helper function for refract.
Azimuth of rising, in degrees.
Azimuth of setting, in degrees.
Local sidereal time of rise, in hours.
Local sidereal time of setting, in hours.
Calculate sign of number.
Determine if a solar eclipse is likely to occur.
Helper function for solar_eclipse_occurrence.
For W, in radians, return S, also in radians.
Calculate Sun’s angular diameter in decimal degrees.
Calculate Sun’s distance from the Earth in astronomical units.
Mean ecliptic longitude of the Sun at the epoch.
Eccentricity of the Sun-Earth orbit.
Calculate Sun’s ecliptic longitude.
Calculate the Sun’s mean anomaly.
Longitude of the Sun at perigee.
Calculate Sun’s true anomaly, i.e., how much its orbit deviates from a true circle to an ellipse.
Calculate azimuth of sunrise.
Helper function for sunrise_az().
Calculate local civil time of sunrise.
Helper function for sunrise_lct().
Calculate azimuth of sunset.
Helper function for sunset_az().
Calculate local civil time of sunset.
Helper function for sunset_lct().
Solve Kepler’s equation, and return value of the true anomaly in radians.
Calculate morning twilight start, in local time.
Helper function for twilight_am_lct().
Calculate evening twilight end, in local time.
Helper function for twilight_pm_lct().
Convert angle in radians to equivalent angle in degrees.
Convert angle in degrees to equivalent angle in the range 0 to 360 degrees.
Convert angle in radians to equivalent angle in degrees.
Original macro name: UTDayAdjust
Calculate end time of total phase of lunar eclipse (UT).
Calculate end time of umbra phase of lunar eclipse (UT).
Calculate time of first shadow contact for lunar eclipse (UT).
Calculate time of first contact for solar eclipse (UT).
Helper function for ut_first_contact_solar_eclipse.
Convert Universal Time to Greenwich Sidereal Time.
Calculate time of last shadow contact for lunar eclipse (UT).
Calculate time of last contact for solar eclipse (UT).
Helper function for ut_last_contact_solar_eclipse.
Get Local Civil Day for Universal Time.
Get Local Civil Month for Universal Time.
Get Local Civil Year for Universal Time.
Convert Universal Time to Local Civil Time.
Calculate time of maximum shadow for lunar eclipse (UT).
Calculate time of maximum shadow for solar eclipse (UT).
Helper function for ut_max_solar_eclipse.
Calculate start time of total phase of lunar eclipse (UT).
Calculate start time of umbra phase of lunar eclipse (UT).